Sa’i : elevated to No 18 from 33, out of over 300 Title Holders in Zaz’zau Emirate
Sai’n Zaz’zau elevated to No 18 from 33, out of about 300 Title Holders in the Emirate – Walin Gabas Zazzau
BY Abubakar Yusuf Adeiza
It was on Saturday 7th October 2023, precisely 10am when a Prince of Zazzau elevated to Sa’i after moving ahead of others with 15 steps, from No 33 to No 18, out of about 300 Traditional Title Holders in Zazzau Emirate. It’s a tradition in the traditional system in Zazzau and other Emirates for a member to be elevated to a most highly placed and high ranking title, that also demonstrate loyalty identified in who ever is elevated and that will generate more respect to him by other title holders, community and the Emirate as a whole.
The new Sa’i is now occupying a big shoe of his forefathers, because the founder of Katsinawa ruling house of Zazzau, Mall. Abdulkarimu who ruled Zazzau Emirate in early 18th Century was 1st to be turbaned as Sa’i in the history of Zazzau Emirate. It is quite interesting to note that, elevation goes by the way to only who is lucky. The new Sa’i is now among the leading figures in Katsianawa ruling house of Zazzau and a Senior title holder within the Emirate.