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The Founder / Publisher

About the Founder

Alh. Abubakar Mainasara Shehu Idris holds Msc in International relations and Professional Masters in International Affairs and Diplomacy from University of Abuja and Ahmadu Bello University respectively.

He holds title of Walin Gabas Zazzau, title only meant for princes in Zazzau and many Hausa Emirates. Working with various team from media, IT, literature and management to grow the establishment.

He founded numerous businesses withing Agriculture, Trading and Construction, has vast knowledge in transforming and growing any type of legitimate business.

He is a decendant of Emir of Zazzau Alh. Dr. Shehu Idris CFR and a grand child to Sultan of Sokoto, Sir Abubakar 111. Come from Katsinawa ruling class of Zazzau Emirate,

Traveled to Europe, Asia and Africa.

Lover of Horse riding, reading and Islamic religion