Special appreciation Message from Royalty Media Services
Turbaning of Sa’in Zaz’zau
7th October 2023
Special appreciation goes to the Celebrant, Sai’n Zaz’zau for the confidence reposed on Royalty Magazine to show case our best in terms of qualitative production. Having given us this chance, we will also do alot to maintain the standard of future production in other not to compromise quality.

Alh. Abubakar Mainasara Shehu Idris ( Walin Gabas Zazzau )
Special thanks also goes to Amb. Mansur Bamalli, Magajin Garin Zazzau for always having us at heart come rain, come sunshine, for also regularly advising us towards a better head way.
I, the undersigned, founder and publisher of this royalty media outfit which is celebrating 10 years anniversary of our journey so far, starting from November 2013 with Seminar and workshop to the entire over 300 District Heads in Kaduna State, want to strengthen that if we have like 3 of Magajin Gari, Amb. Mansur Bamalli by our side advising us towards a better outing, we would have grown bigger than how we are today.
I appreciate the committee of friends of Sai’n Zaz’zau who responded to all our quests of funding, as you know we are not charity organization, but out to the public to deliver the best we can and generate income for our over head, operation and production.
Lastly, I thank all those that participated in this 20th edition. God willing, you shall all join us to celebrate 100th edition soon.
Alh. Abubakar Mainasara Shehu Idris –
Bsc Unv Abuja, MIAD ABU, Msc Int’l Relations (Abuja), RIPA London, NIM Chartered Economist
Walin Gabas Zazzau